понедельник, 6 июня 2022 г.

Pace Work 2-D

 Tuesday, the seventh of June

Theme: Self Test

1. Put the right word on the blank.

p. 24

2. Draw a line between the word and the picture.

p. 25

3. Write the following words:

to wear

a doctor

to take 


an eye 


Pace Work 2-D

 Monday, the sixth of June

Theme: Checkup

1. Put the right word on the blank.

p. 22

2. Spell the words:



to wear

a doctor

3. Draw a line between the word and the picture.

p. 23

вторник, 15 марта 2022 г.

15.03.2022 9-D

 Tuesday, the 15th of March

Theme: Apostrophes


We use an apostrophe to show a contraction or possession.


We use an apostrophe to show where there are missing letters in contractions.

It's raining. (It's = It is)
Don't worry, it won't rain. (Don't = Do not; won't = will not)
She can't drive because she's broken her leg. (can't = cannot; she's = she has)
I'd like a coffee, please. (I'd = I would)
You'll be fine. (You'll = You will)

** Note that it's is a contraction of it is or it hasits is a possessive form of the pronoun it.

The dog is chasing its tail.
Are you sure it's OK for me to ring you so early?
It's rained a lot this week.


We also use an apostrophe with the letter s after a noun (normally a person, animal or group) to show that the noun owns someone or something.

My cat's favourite toy is a small, red ball.
Sadiq's parents live in Liverpool.

South Korea's economy is growing. 

Singular or plural

We use 's when the possessor is singular.

Marie's mother is going to Hong Kong.

We also use 's when the possessor is a plural noun that does not end in s.

The People's Republic of China
My cousin writes children's books.

When a plural noun ends in s, we put the apostrophe after the s (s').

This is a picture of my parents' house.
Our friend's new car is red. She just got it yesterday.
Our friends' new car is red. They just got it yesterday.

When a singular noun ends in s, we generally use 's.

James's brother-in-law is German.
He has a collection of Dickens's novels.

Follow the link and do this exercise to test your grammar.


15.03.2022 9-D

 Tuesday, the 15th of March

Theme: Capitalisation


There are lots of times when you need to use capital letters – for example, to start a sentence or for the pronoun I. Here are some other important rules for using them.

Days, months and holidays

We capitalise days of the week, months and festivals, but not seasons.

His birthday party is on Thursday.
Schools are closed at Christmas.
It rains a lot in April and May, but the summer is very dry.

Names of people and places

We capitalise the names of people and places, including streets, planets, continents and countries.

Bea Jankowski has lived on Church Street in Manchester for 20 years.
The Earth is the third planet from the Sun.
Russia is in both Europe and Asia.

Words that come from the names of places – for example languages, nationalities and adjectives that refer to people or things from a country, region or city – are capitalised. We also capitalise nouns and adjectives that come from the names of religions.

Some Canadians speak French.
Londoners eat a lot of Indian food.
Most Muslims fast during the day for Ramadan.

Titles and names of institutions

The names of organisations and usually the important words in book and film titles are capitalised. When a person's job title goes before their name, capitalise both. If the title is separate from their name, capitalise only their name.

Salome Zourabichvili, the president of Georgia, is visiting President Alvi tomorrow.
The chief executive officer lives in New York.
We are reading 
War and Peace with Ms Ioana, our teacher.

понедельник, 14 марта 2022 г.

Pace Work 9-D

 Monday, the 14th of March

Pace Work

Theme: The legend of fairies

Read a text about the legend of fairies to practise and improve your reading skills.

(1) Fairies today are the stuff of children's stories, little magical people with wings, often shining with light. Typically pretty and female, like Tinkerbell in Peter Panthey usually use their magic to do small things and are mostly friendly to humans.

(2) We owe many of our modern ideas about fairies to Shakespeare and stories from the 18th and 19th centuries. Although we can see the origins of fairies as far back as the Ancient Greeks, we can see similar creatures in many cultures. The earliest fairy-like creatures can be found in the Greek idea that trees and rivers had spirits called dryads and nymphs. Some people think these creatures were originally the gods of earlier, pagan religions that worshipped nature. They were replaced by the Greek and Roman gods, and then later by the Christian God, and became smaller, less powerful figures as they lost importance.

(3) Another explanation suggests the origin of fairies is a memory of real people, not spirits. So, for example, when tribes with metal weapons invaded land where people only used stone weapons, some of the people escaped and hid in forests and caves. Further support for this idea is that fairies were thought to be afraid of iron and could not touch it. Living outside of society, the hiding people probably stole food and attacked villages. This might explain why fairies were often described as playing tricks on humans. Hundreds of years ago, people actually believed that fairies stole new babies and replaced them with a 'changeling' – a fairy baby – or that they took new mothers and made them feed fairy babies with their milk.

(4) While most people no longer believe in fairies, only a hundred years ago some people were very willing to think they might exist. In 1917, 16-year-old Elsie Wright took two photos of her cousin, nine-year-old Frances Griffiths, sitting with fairies. Some photography experts thought they were fake, while others weren't sure. But Arthur Conan Doyle, the writer of the Sherlock Holmes detective stories, believed they were real. He published the original pictures, and three more the girls took for him, in a magazine called The Strand, in 1920. The girls only admitted the photos were fake years later in 1983, created using pictures of dancers that Elsie copied from a book.

Follow my link and do these exercises:


четверг, 10 февраля 2022 г.

Pace Work 2-D

 Thursday, the tenth of February


Theme: Day Five

1. Learn the words:

a bird - пташка

a fish - риба

to live - жити

all kinds of - всі види...

five - 5

they - вони

2. Read and translate the text.

page 5

3. Put the right word on the blank.

page 6

среда, 9 февраля 2022 г.

Pace Work 2-D

 Wednesday, the ninth of February


Theme: World

1. Follow dot to dot from A to Z.

Color the picture.

page 2

2. Read and translate the text.

page 3

3. Draw a line between the words and the picture.

page 4

4. Learn the phrases:

in six days - за 6 днів

on day one - на день перший

the Earth turns around - Земля обертається навколо

one time - один раз

for us - для нас.

понедельник, 7 февраля 2022 г.

Social Studies

 Monday, the seventh of February

Pace Work

Theme: Work and Earn Pay

1. Learn the words and phrases:

strength - сила

to sleep - спати

rest - відпочинок

so much work - занадто багато роботи 

too long - дуже довго

will not waste time - на будемо гаяти часу

to show my best work - показувати найкращу роботу

to earn some pay - заробляти винагороду

to take care of - піклуватися про...

2. Read and translate the text.

page 19

3. Put the right word on the blank.

page 20

пятница, 4 февраля 2022 г.

Word Building

 Friday, the fourth of February

Theme: Irregular verbs.

Irregular verbs are verbs that do not follow the normal patterns for tense and past participle

An irregular verb is one that does not form its simple past tense or its past participle by adding "-ed" or "-d" to the base form. Irregular verbs contrast with regular verbs, which form the simple past tense and past participle by adding "-ed" or "-d."

Are the sentences true or false?

To form the past simple, we add '-ed' to the end of regular verbs.
2. There are many different forms of irregular verbs in the past simple.
3. We use 'did' + 'not' + infinitive to form past simple negatives with all types of verbs.
4. We use 'did' + subject + infinitive to form past simple questions with all types of verbs.
5. There are clear rules about how to form the past simple for irregular verbs.

6. You have to learn all the different irregular verb forms of the past simple.

Social Studies

 Friday, the fourth of February

Pace Work

Theme: The Goals.

1. Learn the words and phrases:

to earn - заробляти

to pay-платити, платня

to do my work well-робити роботу добре

without being told-без нагадування

to earn my pay-заробляти нагороду

I have done my work-я виконав(ла) мою роботу.

2. Read and translate the text.

page 17

3. Put the right word on the blank.

page 18

четверг, 3 февраля 2022 г.

Social Studies

 Thursday, the third of February

Pace Work

Social Studies

Theme: Test

1. Put the right word on the blank:

We set our ...at school.

We must do our ...  .

We study for a long ... .

We work the ... .

We take Pace ... .

We get ... to put up.

The chart has my ... .

2. Draw a line between the word and the picture.

page 16

3. Retell the text. 

page 13. 

среда, 2 февраля 2022 г.

Social Studies

 Wednesday, the second of February

Pace Work 

Social Studies

Theme: My Star Chart

1. Learn the words and phrases:



to get a star-отримати зірку

to pass the Pace Test-складати тест

without having to be told-без нагадування

I have done my work well-Я виконав своє завдвння добре.

2. Read and translate the text.

page 13

3. Put the right word on the blank.

page 14

понедельник, 31 января 2022 г.

 Monday, the 31st of January

Theme: Subject, Predicate, Object.

What is a predicate?

In traditional grammar, a sentence consists of two parts:

§  a subject

§  and a predicate which states something about the subject

Consider the following sentence:

§  Bill likes soccer.

What is an object?

An object in grammar is a part of a sentence, and often part of the predicate. It refers to someone or something involved in the subject's "performance" of the verb. It is what the verb is being done to. As an example, the following sentence is given:






the poem

§  "Leila" is the subject, the doer or performer,

§  "wrote" is a verb that refers to the action,

§  "the poem" is the object involved in the action.


Direct object

A direct object answers the question "what?" or "who?"


§  David repaired his car  his car is the direct object of the verb repaired. ( What did David repair?)

§  He invited Mary to the party  Mary is the direct object of the verb invited. (Who did he invite?)

Indirect Object

An indirect object answers the question "to whom?", "for whom?"

An indirect object is the recipient of the direct object, or an otherwise affected participant in the event. There must be a direct object for an indirect object to be placed in a sentence. In other words an indirect object cannot exist without a direct object.


§  They sent him a postcard - him is the indirect object of the verb sent. (To whom did they send a postcard?)

§  He bought his son a bike - his son is the indirect object of the verb bought. (For whom did he buy a bike?)

пятница, 28 января 2022 г.

 Friday, the 28th of January

Pace Work

Social Studies

1. Revise the words:



to save-зберігати


to belong-належати


to use-використовувати

2. Put rhe right word on the blank.

page 7

3. Draw a line between the word and the picture.

page 8

четверг, 27 января 2022 г.

 Thursday, the 27th of January

Pace Work

Social Studies

1. Learn the words and phrases:

to belong - належати

more - більше

to own all things - володіти всіма речами

each day - кожен день

like you - як ти.

2. Read and translate the text.

page 5

3. Put the right word on the blank. 

page 6.

All things belong to ...

The ... belong to God.

God lets us ... His things.

Thank God for ... things.

среда, 26 января 2022 г.

 Wednesday, the 26th of January

Pace Work 

Social Studies

1. Learn the words:


to use-використовувати

to care-піклуватися




to save-зберігати

2. Read and translate the text.

page 3

3. Underline and learn phrases:

to do one`s best-робити все можливе

to take care-піклуватися

to save all we can-зберегти все, що можемо

not to waste but to save-не втрачати, а зберігати.

вторник, 25 января 2022 г.

Pace Work ( Social Studies )

Tuesday, the 25th of January 
 1. Learn the words:
 a day-день
 long - довгий 
up - вгору
 a part-частина 
 2. Read and translate the text. page 2
 3. Follow the sentences: I am up here to...
 I can not stay here ...
 I must work ... play. 
... have our work. 
I will do my part and ...

понедельник, 24 января 2022 г.

план самоосвіти 2021-2022
Формування і розвиток умінь і навичок діалогічного мовлення на початковому етапі вивчення англійської мови


St.Nicholas day!

Happy St. Nicholas Day!!! Святий Миколай завітав у гості до 2-Д класу НВК " Кіровоградський колегіум". Учні читали вірші, співали, танцювали, а також взяли активну участь у постановці казки " 12 місяців"!!!
До тижня англійської мови у 2-Д класі був проведений позакласний захід з теми " Healthy and unhealthy food"!!! Позакласний захід проходив у формі гри-вікторини. Діти активно брали участь у заході. Виявляли зацікавленість з данної теми.