среда, 22 апреля 2020 г.

Lesson 22 
8 form
Topic: Law and Order.
Progress Check

1.Do ex.4 p.77  Fill in: Were there other people around? - I phoned the police. – I didn`t get a good look. - Did you see anything else?

2. Do ex.5 p. 77 Choose the correct tense.

3. Do ex.6 p.77 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets (to infinitive or –ing form).

4. Grammar in Focus p.77
Fill in the correct form of the word in brackets, choose the correct word or fill in the gaps.

5. Put the following adverbs under the correct headings: everywhere, early, politely, very, often, quite, hardly, around, beautifully, recently, usually, always, silently, nearby, late. And write down this task in your exercise books.

Home task: email me the picture of your exercises  p.77

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