воскресенье, 15 марта 2020 г.

Дистанційний урок для 8Д, В класів.
17 березня 2020року.
Тема: Law and Order. (Життя суспільства. Закон і порядок)

I.                  Review the words from the previous lesson:

II.               Check the words:

III.            Open your books and look at Ex.4p.65 – Complete the sentences with the words from the list in the correct tense.
IV.           Ex.5.p65. – match the words in bold in the texts to their synonyms.

Now, do the task and check Ex.5.65:

V.              Write six sentences with the words from Ex.5.p65.

Homework: 1) Learn the words from Ex.5.p65 https://quizlet.com/_87lsr3?x=1qqt&i=1fv6om
                       2) Write six sentences with another words from Ex.5.p65
Make a screenshot of your sentences from your copybook and send on my e-mail
toolstova102@gmail.com You will get a mark!!!

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